Temple of Metaphysical Science

The Power of Intention

Today, I would like to talk about the power of intention.
Merrian Webster Dictionary defines intention as:

1: a determination to act in a certain way: Resolve
3: a: what one intent to do or bring about
B: the object for which a prayer, mass, or pious act is offered
4: a process or manner of healing of incised wounds
5: CONCEPT; especially; a concept considered as the product of attention directed to an object of knowledge product of attention directed to an object of knowledge.

Each Sunday we come to church with the intent to connect with infinite intelligence or God. This connection can be experienced when we allow ourselves to sincerely connect with this divine source. This divine source lights our spiritual journey. Each one of us are traveling a unique journey where we will deal with different situations or scenarios necessary for our spiritual growth. Some of these scenarios are preplanned and some are not. Everything in life has a purpose.

The intent to progress spiritually must come from deep inside our soul. We are dynamic spirits, through our minds, we are constantly planning the ideas, desires and goals that motivate all of us to continue moving forward. The Law of Progression states that nothing in the universe remains constant.

We are continually changing and absorbing new experiences that continue to mold our characters and change our vibration. These changes at times seemed unnoticed but we are constantly changing. Nothing remains the same. We have the power to change by putting our intention to be the best person we can be. We have the power to continually mold our thoughts in a positive way. This is not accomplished in one day, but it is a lifetime goal.

It is important to always be aware of our intentions not only in church but outside of church. Our intentions mold our vibration and creates the person we are. How often have we heard the term the highest and the best.

As Spiritualists, we have the power to mold our intentions that are not only beneficial to us but those around us.

Today, let’s look at the future with an outlook of learning and progressing as much as possible so that we can obtain a higher level of vibration when we depart to the spiritual plane.

In my last sermon, I talked about the different spiritual planes. At times life can be complicated and can overwhelm us to the point where we think we are not going to be able to deal with the challenges at hand. When we are dealing with difficult situations, we have the power to project our highest intentions which will allow us to move forward in a positive way. There is the word intention again.

Find inspiration from our master spiritual teachers. I often use the term master teacher. A master teacher is and advanced spirit who has incarnated on the erthplane to teach humanity a lesson or lessons.

One of them was Master Jesus.

One of his teachings was to be tolerant towards others. He taught this lesson thousands of years ago. Have we master this powerful teaching? As Spiritualists, we should strive to be tolerant towards other people. Tolerance takes no notice of the defects of others; or if it does, it refrains from talking about or disclosing them.

Tolerance never dwells on the defects of others unless it is to offer help and even then, will try to do it in the gentlest manner. Tolerance never makes shocking statements or reproaches to anyone; instead, it offers advice usually in a tactful way.

Sometimes we are quick to criticize others. But what is your intention in criticizing?

When we criticize, what conclusion should the objective person ideally come to?

That you are not guilty of the same thing yourself, that you are worthier than the other person!

The question is “when will you judge your own heart, thoughts, actions first and stop worrying about what your brothers and sisters are doing?

When do we look critically at ourselves?

Be critical of ourselves, tolerant towards others. This is the practice of compassion which unfortunately not enough people embrace in their lives.

Be mindful of the one who had the final word, who sees the innermost movements of your heart and forgives many.

Our maker knows the motive behind each one of our intentions. Those who so bitterly point at the misdeed of a fellow being, may, in the eyes of God, be guilty of even more harmful things.

Another profound teaching of Jesus was the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This is found in our principle number 6.

In our minds, our intentions, we should always project thoughts of doing good. Thoughts are energy. The act of doing good in this world will give you the purer and sweetest delights. It will gladden your heart which will not be disturbed either by regret or indifference.

Doing good is a sensational feeling that is uniquely felt when we help someone. At times we become involved in ourselves and forget about the outside world. We forget that there are people in conditions much worse than ours such as children without families or the old who do not have a friendly hand to clasp. There is so much good waiting to be done. We should strive not to complain but to accept what is divinely planned and make the best of the experience.

The soul cannot rise to a higher spiritual realm except through dedication to human beings and it will never attain inner peace and happiness except through the practice of true charity.

In a book called The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer he asks the following question regarding abundance and success?

How Does the Universal All-Creating Field of Intention look at Life?

“The power of intention is perpetually giving and infinite, so it seems obvious that you’ll need to adopt these two attributes if you’re to fulfill your own personal intention to live successfully and attract abundance into your life. What your message back to the universe be if you want to be abundance and success rather than strive for it? Your source is abundant, and you are your source; therefore, you must communicate this back. Since your source is always serving and giving, and you are your source, then you must be always in a state of serving and giving. This source can only work with you when you are in harmony with it! Another interesting explanation by Dr. Wayne Dyer was the concept behind the Law of Attraction.

Dyer has another term for the concept behind the Law of Attraction. He calls it the Power of Intention. His philosophy is pure and simple, “The law of attraction is this: You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are.”

“Most people’s mistake in trying to apply the law of attraction is they want things; they demand things. But God doesn’t work that way,” continues Dyer. “It’s all about allowing.” Dyer refers to the Tao Te Ching, written by Lao Tzu. “He says in there, 2,500 years ago, if you live from these virtues, then all that you could ever need or want could be provided for you.” He explains how virtue is a very important concept in the Law of Attraction.

“This is called the Hua Hu Ching, written by Lao Tzu. It’s the unknown teachings of Lao Tzu. Number 51 says, ‘Those who want to know the truth of the universe should practice the four cardinal virtues. The first is reverence for all of life. This manifests as unconditional love and respect for oneself and all other beings. The second is natural sincerity. This manifests as honesty, simplicity and faithfulness. The third is gentleness, which manifests as kindness, consideration for others and sensitivity to spiritual truth. The fourth is supportiveness. This manifests as service to others without expectation of reward.”

“All great spiritual masters are teaching what we’re talking about,” says Dyer. “They’re teaching forgiveness. They’re teaching kindness. They’re teaching love. They’re not teaching wanting. They’re not teaching greed.”

So, the notion of seeking what you want, or think you need, is not what the Power of Intention is all about. “The ego’s mantra is ‘What’s in it for me? How can I get more? I want a BMW in my driveway next Thursday,’” he explains. “All of that is what most spiritual teachers call the false self—the ego.”

According to Dyer, the process of allowing, just being and embracing this heightened level of consciousness, goes back not to attracting what you want, but attracting what you are.

“You have to just be. You have to let go. You have to allow. You have to be free and make this your consciousness.” He continues, “Basically, what you would see is a frequency (of energy) that manifests itself through the process of giving, of allowing, of offering and of serving. It asks nothing back.”

Dyer illustrates the concept of giving without expectations by quoting the great poet Hafiz: “Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth ‘you owe me.’”

In conclusion, the power of intention is powerful. We have this tool to use it in our lives in a constructive way. The power of intention creates our energy field or aura and tells the world this is who I am. Use this tool to constructively with the intention of always practicing the highest the best.