Welcome to TMSLI
"The greatest deed that one can do is to give freely of one's self."
-Rev. Edna Claussen

Temple of Metaphysical Science, NSAC
Welcome to the Temple of Metaphysical Science, where spirituality meets community, offering a space for exploration, connection, and transformation.
Discover, Connect, Transform.
Learn more about who we are, the services we offer, and our mission to empower individuals on their spiritual journey.

Join us for our next meditation session this Thursday.
Enter your details and we will send you the details to join the meeting.
From the Pastor
Sunflower Facts
The tallest sunflower is found in Germany. Sunflower oil serves many purposes. Sunflowers demonstrate a behavior called “heliotropism.” Some people are afraid of sunflowers. A
The Power of Intention
Today, I would like to talk about the power of intention.Merrian Webster Dictionary defines intention as: 1: a determination to act in a certain way:
Letter from Heaven
As part of our Belief in Spiritualism, we believe in Mediumship and the ability to communicate with those who have passed on. After mt husbands