Sunday Service
We have service each and every Sunday beginning at 11am sharp. The Sunday Service at the Temple of Metaphysical Science is one of complete Faith in Spirit. You do have to be there to wholeheartedly understand what we mean. In our service there is music to lift our spirit. After, we are joined and lifted by song, we begin Spiritual Healing services as our designated church healers begin a hands on Spiritual Healing to all those who request healing. Our Healers truly stand in the light of spiritual faith to bring forth healing to those who sit in their healing chairs.

Guided Meditation
There is a guided meditation that is given by the Student Ministers, Pastor and Licentiate Minister,and members of TMS. This Meditation helps bring the Light of Spirit, Infinite Intelligence, God into each and everyone who attends. Our Sermon follows… It is no coincidence that when you are there you hear what you need to know either for yourself or for someone you care for. It is our belief that some of the most powerful experiences and insight occur, and the Messages of Infinite Intelligence have been expressed by those that stand at the podium and work, in service, for Spirit to help and guide us. We have more song and then our gifted mediums give messages to those in the congregation from loved ones in spirit “always proving that the existence and personal identity of the individual continue after change called death”. Then we always close our service by standing, joining hands, and singing Let There Be Peace On Earth.

After the service, there is Fellowship, cake and coffee. You may want to speak to the Mediums that gave you a message. And you can ask a healer to give you a healing if you did not get one during the service. Or you can enjoy the cake, coffee, and good conversation. On the 1st and 3rd Sundays we close our service early. Our Mediums do not give out messages during the service. On these Sundays we hold our Message Circle. Our Message Circle begins about 20-30 minutes after regular service ends. A donation of $10.00 is greatly appreciated from all those who wish to attend.

Message Circle
At our Message Circle, our Mediums present for that day are seated across from the attendees just giving out messages from Spirit randomly to those who Spirit comes to. Our Mediums are very gifted and many messages come through for everyone! Everyone who works in the Temple of Metaphysical Science are dedicated volunteers.

Experience Our Service
There is plenty of seating at the American Legion and it is not overcrowded. The building is totally accessible for people in wheelchairs and there is plenty of room inside the building as well.
We sincerely hope that you will treat yourself to the experience of our Service and hope to see you there!